Friday, September 23, 2011


So hello again, major blog neglecting and being busy with life. That said, I had a ballin' time.
I went to Amsterdam in July, beautiful weather slightly too hot for my taste but thats ok! So after I landed there I had no difficulty finding my hostel. Due to uninformed booking, I ended up 45 minutes outside of the city in a place called Noorwich! Getting there was quite something and it cost nearly 12 euros (LAME!!). Travelling around Amsterdam is quite expensive. After I reached the hostel nearly midnight I discovered that that the  "large dorm" was a 25 person dorm (who the hell knew seriously?!!!), I decided to just chill out and sleep for the night.

The next morning I booked a shuttle that the hostel offered and spent the day in the city. I got to see the beautiful Museumplein which has the Rijkmuseum and the Van Gogh museum. Oh so many "did you know" moments.
No 1: Did you know Van Gogh did not start painting until his mid 20's. After that I definitely had a new respect for the man!
No 2: He is known for his rough and edgy artistic style (I think you all know!) however, he has some beautiful realistic paintings in the museum.
Another interesting thing that I saw all over Amsterdam was little signs saying "DNA spray", I was intrigued and then later when I googled it I found that, all the stores have this spray that is colorless to the naked eye and is fixed on top of entrances. So, when the intruder enters the spray is sprayed on the intruder and it clings on to clothes and skin for a long time. It is known to be non-toxic but something that clings on to DNA for that long...hmm I gotta wonder. The idea is that when the police go to find criminals, anyone who has the spray on them is convicted. Personally I think this is a pretty cool concept.

That evening, I went back to the hostel and just chilled out, had a beer and just went to bed.
The following day was nearly the same, chilled out in central Amsterdam. There are two very interesting things about Amsterdam that separate the tourists from the locals.
1) the local pedestrians know where they belong, ie the unmarked bike paths everywhere
2) they also know that cyclists are going to run them over and they don't hesitate.

Also, some other interesting things happened in the second day. There is a first time for everything right?
Firstly, due to my lack of map reading skills, I got lost in the red light district. I have to say I didn't love it. Also, getting hit on by 2 prostitutes (NOT!).
Secondly, I was sitting and chilling in Museumplein and some random guy came upto me to ask what would be a good gift for 200 euros for his girlfriend. I have never had that happen to me and I suggested a pendant. I hope his girlfriend liked it =).
That evening, I also got together with some guys from my hostel sat on the beach till about midnight... and did the very obvious thing (I'll let you figure it out!).

The next morning it was beach again and then it was back to London still a bit tripped.