Saturday, May 7, 2011

Departures and arrivals!

After a 2 hour car ride and almost missing the flight, I caught AC 850 to London. Following this uberstressful event and an 8 hour flight (very little sleep) I finally landed in the city that I have always wanted to be in, London. There is something about this city, or so I thought. Cute little streets, now that I think of it very narrow lanes for driving. Random islands on one side of the road, tons of one ways, right wide left narrow turns. I would never be able to get a license here. So the first thought that comes to mind is that of wide roads in Canada and how much I appriciate them. Second thing, people have sense enough to dress themselves abut have no conception of dental care whatsoever. This comment slightly judgmental but very true.

Now moving on to why it took me 3 hours to get to my destination in London.
a) 3-4 train changes between LHR and destination.
b) Delays on the Piccadilly line, the only line that connects airport and the city
c) Slow movement due to luggage
d) People being in my way and thinking they own the platform, giving me a #wtf look everytime I say excuse me!

Moving on to the essentials, unpacking and all, I decide that I need some groceries.

I go to the store buy carrots, lettuce, chicken, apple (small kiddy size) and banana. Little did it occur to me while shopping that I also need to buy spices to cook the chicken. Bright! I know.

Thats pretty much been my day and I have learned to appriciate Canada and my friends a wee bit more. I wish they had British accent, I love them regardless though.


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