Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sense of adventure or the lack of sense of direction

Still jetlagged, this gets less and less fun when I get to sleep about 4-5 hours on a weekend during summer. So, I wake up at 3 AM, bum around and watch TV and do some homework. Anyhow, I go out at around 10 AM. I go to St. Paul's Cathedral... ahh the familiarity with this place. I recognize everything which is kind of great. This time I even went inside, stayed a bit for the Sunday mass. Very beautiful and ethereal experience.

From there I decided to cross the Millenium Bridge and go to the Other side as they used to call it during Shakespearean era. The other side  referred to the cultural side, i.e the side of the river with the Globe Theatre, Tate modern at this point. History says, that if one was caught crossing over to the other side they were beheaded and their heads displayed at the traitors gate in Henry the VIIs castle. Then I went to the globe theatre and purchased a ticket to be a groundling at Shakespeare's Hamlet. Interesting bit of history here as well. At the globe there are the groundlings who stand, the nobles who sit in the arena and the dukes (or higher ranked officials) who sit in the balcony seat with the best view. The groundlings generally consist of people who could not afford to pay for entertainment, it was free or cost very little during the Elizabethan Era. Same thing holds today. £5 for a groundling whereas nearly £25-30 for a balcony seat. I suppose I decided to be pauper for a day.

From here, I went in search for the tower bridge! Popularly known as London Bridge but its not actually. Beautiful and right across the bridge was King Henry the VII's castle where he beheaded many at the traitor's gate. The thought of people being beheaded for loving arts and their heads displayed... slightly frightening.

After this very nice adventure I decided to take the train....le sigh who knew that 3 of the main lines were I take a bus and get lost around the city and finally make it back to St. Paul's.

The walk from St. Paul's to the castle. Might not seem that long, but it is!

Getting lost around town...from tower bridge (A) to Camden (B). It takes skills only I possess.

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