Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Have you had your spirit diagnosis yet??

Ahh more posts about the trip to the British Museum, so many... oh that's so cool moments and aahh Did You Know moments...So here are some more.

These pictures are from the same gallery as the pill cloth, surrounding the pill cloth. I find all their beliefs slightly supernatural but very intriguing.

African way of getting rid of diseases. Have you had you spirit diagnosis yet?

Pray me healthy
There were many more of these from different parts of the world, unfortunately the pictures did not turn out so great! =(

Creationism and evolution... here is a interesting bit of history (or so I seem to think anyway). So apparently god created everything in 4004 BC. Who knew??
The beginning of the world, 4004 BC (before cloning?lol) apparently
These are some interesting things I found, I will keep updating my visit as I enjoyed it a whole bunch.

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