Saturday, May 14, 2011

From cradle to grave

The British Museum, an interesting place to pick up on some history but who would have thought it would also provide interesting perspective on health. 

There were regional exhibits and thematic exhibits, a particular one caught my eye! It was health based, being a student of health and issues surrounding health, I took a hour many "OMG that's so cool" moments.

From Cradle to grave:

Interesting conglomeration of art and health

Here are some more pictures from the exhibit....


 More pills, this is the pill cloth, a piece of fabric made with pills 
and thread about 20 ft long (guesstimating here)

Point in life where medication is a necessity for living, 
where we can no longer synthesize our own enzymes. Bummer.

Overall, an amazing exhibit. More on the way stay tuned =).

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